Monday, April 4, 2011

On cute babies and lots of children

If you've been following my blog, you may have noticed that the topics of my posts fall into three main categories:
1. Food
2. Cute things the kids do
3. Catastrophes of the sort that are very funny when they happen to somebody else (like this and this and this)
I've been doing a lot of the first type lately, and we try to avoid the third type, so today for your enjoyment is a cute kid. Try not to smile while you watch the video.

Occasionally, I also write about the trials and tribulations of having a larger family in a small-family world. Every.single.time. I'm out in public with all the children (which is often) I get comments from strangers, usually along the lines of "Wow, are they all yours?" or "Boy, you've sure got your hands full!" Most people are very nice, and we often get a remark about how well-behaved and helpful the children are. This is nothing new; running errands with all the children has made us a sort of carnival side show since back when we only had four children. What I'm finding remarkable of late is how many people remember our family, even when I don't have any children with me. This morning I had to go and have blood drawn for some lab tests, which I do fairly frequently. I happened to be by myself this time, but both the women who work at the lab asked me where all the kids were, and said how much they liked seeing them come in because they were always so good. A few weeks ago I was out shopping at one of the thrift stores we frequent, with only two children with me. When we were checking out, the cashier asked where all the other kids were that day. This sort of thing has been happening more frequently; I guess our family is pretty memorable!

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