Thursday, February 5, 2009

Back on the Wagon

I took almost an entire month off from running- from New Year's Day until just this week.  January is just sooooo cold and dark, it was very hard to drum up any motivation.  I failed, however, to adjust my eating habits to sync up with my less-active state, and now have a price to pay for it.  I should know by now, after many trips up and down the weight loss ladder, that it is much easier to maintain a good weight than it is to have to lose weight.  Ah, oh well. 

 So, I'm dusting off the treadmill  and dragging myself out to the gym.  I really, really miss running outside.  I really got to love my long runs, especially my regular route around town.  The treadmill will have to do for now, as all the sidewalks are deep under solid ice; it will take a good week of melting for most of them to become passable.  Some people really hate
 the treadmill; while I'd much rather be outside most of the time, it can be nice to be able to crank up my iPod and just pound out some miles without having to think or pay attention to my surroundings.  I can put the baby for her nap and set my big kids up with some independent work or a video and spend 45 minutes pounding out the day's stress.  It's not the most scenic of venues, as you can see.  The treadmill is in the basement with the washer & dryer and furnace and water heater and all the junk that doesn't have a better place to live, so I mostly either watch the clothes go round in the dryer or stare at the brick wall in front of me.  Hey, running in place in a dank basement is better than not running at all.

And here's todays cute puppy picture.  So much for 'no dogs on my furniture'.  Her training is coming along quite well; she really is a smart pup.  So far she only listens to my commands.  I'm just happy that *someone* in this house listens to my commands.

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