Doesn't this picture just warm your little heart? A little boy in rubber boots, floating his little toy boat in a puddle. If this scene doesn't deserve to be immortalized, my friends, than what does? Joe is far and away the squirrelliest kid I've ever known, but sometimes he's just so cute. To testify to his squirrelly-ness- about a half hour before I snapped this shot, Matt had to yell at him to put on his rubber boots, because he was standing ankle-deep in ice water in his only (formerly) good shoes. I went out last spring and bought all of my children knee-high rubber boots, specifically for romping around in mud and puddles. I've been in this business long enough to know there is no way on earth to keep a kid out of a good puddle; my best bet was going to be in damage prevention. If anyone knows a good training method to get kids to put their boots on their feet before going puddle stomping, drop me a line.
The Dog Who'll Eat Anything has been on the prowl again. She has become so bold as to hop right up on to the table now to see what's for supper. We have to keep her in her cage during mealtimes, as she's cultivated the habit of stealing food right off the kids' plates. The kids, for their part, encourage this behavior by feeding her under the table. Fly was begging at my feet while I prepared dinner last night. I was making salad, so I tossed her a piece of lettuce, figuring she wouldn't be terribly interested, but she wolfed it down and looked up at me for another piece. Someone told once me that dogs don't like bananas, a theory which our dog has disproved several times. Maybe most other dogs don't live in a house with such a large number of unattended bananas lying around. Last week Fly also ate a can of neon orange Play-Doh. It was very easy to see those piles in the front yard. Speaking of which, Paul just finished his chore of scooping up all the dog piles in the yard. He was very pleased to show me a penny he found in one of the piles, which he was washing in the sink. I don't know if I should be shaking my head at a dog who eats pennies, or a boy who thinks they're worth fishing out of the 'end product'. Now, if that dumb dog starts plopping out $50 bills, she might be worth keeping around.
The Dog Who'll Eat Anything has been on the prowl again. She has become so bold as to hop right up on to the table now to see what's for supper. We have to keep her in her cage during mealtimes, as she's cultivated the habit of stealing food right off the kids' plates. The kids, for their part, encourage this behavior by feeding her under the table. Fly was begging at my feet while I prepared dinner last night. I was making salad, so I tossed her a piece of lettuce, figuring she wouldn't be terribly interested, but she wolfed it down and looked up at me for another piece. Someone told once me that dogs don't like bananas, a theory which our dog has disproved several times. Maybe most other dogs don't live in a house with such a large number of unattended bananas lying around. Last week Fly also ate a can of neon orange Play-Doh. It was very easy to see those piles in the front yard. Speaking of which, Paul just finished his chore of scooping up all the dog piles in the yard. He was very pleased to show me a penny he found in one of the piles, which he was washing in the sink. I don't know if I should be shaking my head at a dog who eats pennies, or a boy who thinks they're worth fishing out of the 'end product'. Now, if that dumb dog starts plopping out $50 bills, she might be worth keeping around.
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