Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Great Outdoors

The kids like this fishing spot, at Mendon Ponds. They take their nets and patiently wait for the stupider fish and the slower frogs to come close enough scoop up.
Surprisingly, no one has fallen off the log into the pond. They have jumped into the pond, but that's not accidental. If you tell a kid they can wade in to a pond as deep as their ankles, you will have a kid who is wet up to his waist. If you tell them they can go knee deep, you'll have a kid who's soaked from head to toe.
It's dirty, wet, stinky, scummy water, so of course the dog loves it.
Bet you didn't know fish like to eat cheese puffs. Elena tossed one in to the water, and we watched while a little sunfish pecked it apart and ate it up.
The day's catch. We release them when we're done observing them, but it's uncertain as to how well they fare afterwards.

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