Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mid-winter Randomness

We've spent the better part of the last four weeks passing the stomach flu around the family, which for the enjoyment of my readers, I have refrained from blogging about. While it was a whole lot of no fun, I guess cleaning up after sick people was at least one way to pass the time.
When not throwing up, the children have been finding new ways to amuse themselves indoors. That thing in Renee's hand is a Nerf gun with a laser night-vision sight on it (how's that for Nerf technology?) The kids don't use the red laser light as sight; rather, they shine it on the floor and walls to tease the dog. The little girls especially have gotten hours of entertainment from watching the dog chase the little red dot around, and the dog has still not figured out that she won't be able to catch the dot. Also on the Nerf battle front, the boys have recently acquired a full set of Nerf battle gear. Someone thought it would be great fun to dress up little Renee in the padding, goggles, and target vest and then use her for target practice. Fun for the big kids, yes; advisable, no.
Here's my Joe, who has always been a quirky kid. Often times too quirky, which has caused me a great deal of forehead-palming over the years, but always amusing. Today after his first breakfast of eggs he was still hungry, so made himself some waffles. For his own quirky reasons, he decided he wanted them to look like the waffles and pancakes they show in advertisements and IHOP commercials- a stack of waffles with a neat square of butter on top, over which the syrup is carefully poured. He explained his reasoning to me as he made his little creation, and happily ate the results. I remember some time ago, he wanted me to make him lemonade like he saw in all of his picture books- in a real glass, with ice cubes, and a straw. I guess these kinds of visual presentations are important to him.

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