Wednesday, June 2, 2010

...and even MORE baby pictures!

The blog has been very picture-heavy and word-light lately for two main reasons: sleeping babies are cute to look at, and new babies don't really do anything worth writing about. Add into it that I am still very much in recovery mode and not really able to form complete thoughts, let alone anything sharply witty and insightful, and I'm sure you'll agree it's best to let the pictures do the talking.
Here is the baby awake. He is not often both awake and content, unless he is nursing. As soon as he finishes, he either goes back to sleep, or starts complaining. This makes it rather difficult for me to do anything other than sit and nurse him, which is even less exciting than it sounds. Sitting still has always been a challenge for me, even while recovering from major surgery, so I'm feeling pretty antsy.
I've done this all before, and I know that this, too, shall soon pass. Until then, I'll take lots of pictures.

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