We're all still here and still kickin'. As happens some times, we've been very busy with lots of things that are just not very interesting. David is still getting cuter by the day. He is also getting to be very demanding during the day. He still sleeps great at night (knock on wood), but refuses to take naps of any reasonable length during the day. This means I have to spend far too much time amusing him, rocking him, feeding him, and otherwise trying to keep him happy. More on David later.
We have been eating far, far too many donuts, even by my standards. A few weeks ago Matt and the boys took a road trip to Erie, Pennsylvania to bring home (my absolute undying favorite) Krispy Kreme donuts. My heart was broken when our local Krispy Kreme went belly up, and I died a thousand deaths when the Buffalo location closed its doors. My noble husband and young sons ventured forth in the pre-dawn hours to make the five-hour round trip to procure four dozen (!!!) of these most delectable glazed puffs of sugary jelly-filled goodness. Four dozen donuts did not last as long as you might think...
Since we can't drive out of state every Saturday just to fetch donuts, we've been trying out some other local donut shops of good reputation. These gems are from Donuts Delite; they were, indeed, delightful. I loooooove donuts. The donut shop is the poor man's French patisserie; a symbol of all that is right with this country.
Fueled by all that donut-power, we spent this past weekend filling up our new book shelves with our old books. Book organization has been a chronic problem for us. We've spent quite a bit of time this past year moving around and re-organizing our book collection. I've come to the conclusion that our books must come to life at night by the light of the moon, and walk themselves all around to the far corners of the house, falling where they lie when the sun rises again each day. That's the only possible explanation as to why I find at least forty books a day in odd places throughout the house, no matter how much time I spend picking them up and putting them back where they belong.
Back to David. He woke up from one of his very short naps yesterday with a massively full diaper. Now, baby boys have a special affinity for peeing in the few brief moments while their diaper is off. Usually it hits the wall, or often as not, me. While I was cleaning him up from his little diaper blow-out, David managed to pee right into his own face. You can imagine how startled he was, which he quickly followed with outrage, because of course he didn't realize that he had done this to himself. As payback for laughing at him, he decided to pitch a major screaming fit at me while I had all six kids shopping at Target this morning. When I picked him up out of his carseat, he spit up a huge quantity of chunky white milk all over me, him, and the floor. Of course, all I had to clean up with was a few kleenexes from the bottom of my purse. And of course, he quit screaming and went peacefully to sleep just as we had finished checking out and were walking out of the store. Stinker.
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