Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Black and furry, in a hurry

If you think you're looking at a dog in jail, you'd be right. Fly has been pretty well behaved since the baby's been born, which is in part why she has not been featured on the blog as much (well behaved dogs rarely make history, or something like that; besides that, the dog got outranked in the cuteness department by the baby.) Maybe she was bored, or needed to stretch her legs, or maybe she just knows a good opportunity when she sees it; either way, the facts remain the same: the darn dog done run off.

I was taking laundry down off the clothesline, when the dog went flying past me hellbent for leather. When our dog runs away, she runs away! My boys were alerted to the situation, and ran out to help me catch the dog. Or more accurately, to wait until the dog was good and ready to be caught. It should be noted that in any situation where there is yelling, shouting, mass chaos, and runaway animals, there always seems to be a large crowd of our neighbors outside to act as spectators to the event. Eventually, the dog got tired out a little, and Paul was able to distract her by throwing bacon strips at her. While Fly was trying to figure out whether she'd rather eat bacon or keep running, we grabbed her collar and leashed her up, and then dragged her back home.

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